is a non-government organization that promotes artistic education, participates in the development and the well-being of the community, enhancing and sustaining culture and arts practices in Rwanda. A strategic work-chart tackles on the following objectives to ensure the effectiveness of the programs:
• promoting education for Rwandan cultural values and culture sustainability
• Youth development and jobs creation
• Promoting artistic education in schools and in the community.
• promoting children and women rights
• Fighting against HIV/AIDS and other epidemics
• Fighting against poverty
• Promoting and enhancing an inclusive arts practice
• Reinforcing unity and reconciliation and promoting the culture of peace
• Human rights sensitization
• Nurturing creative language and reading skills by encouraging children and young people to find in arts a source of pleasure and a means of self-expression, social development and developing their awareness of language and confidence in using it.
• Fighting against drug abuse and juvenile delinquency in youth and children
Dramatherapy - Artistic education - Zeigen - Community outreach - Training and workshops